A majority of Kenya families live in the rural or peri- urban areas and often suffer from lack of adequate water supply as well as water storage facilities. This has therefore led to an emerging business opportunity of selling water.
KWFT offers working capital to WASH entrepreneurs to enable them increase business stock and expand their business operations.

Access to safe drinking water for is essential to protect the family against waterborne disease. KWFT finances families to acquire Water Purifiers that remove germs, bacteria and pollutants from water to purify drinking water. This gives families complete protection from germs and waterborne diseases.
- Safe drinking water
- Kills 99% of bacteria and virus
- Does not use any chemicals
- Does not use electricity

KWFT finances entrepreneurs to acquire Micro-Assets needed to create efficiency while running the WASH business to maximize profits.

When the family doesn’t have access to water at home it is always the woman’s responsibility to search for water. She will walk miles to collect the precious commodity or even spend a lot of money buying water, resulting to poor health and high cost of buying water. Often, the children also share this burden with the mothers, thus they spend hours searching or collecting water and in most cases the children miss school hence affecting their school performance.
KWFT finances families to acquire water tanks to enable them harvest & store rain water for household and irrigation purposes. In addition, one can apply for extra financing to install the tank.
- Different Tank sizes available
- Long lasting products
- Free home delivery
- Easy and flexible monthly repayments
- Improved family and livelihoods
- Available to both group and individual clients
- Copy of National ID Card
- Passport photo

In Kenya, many families lack access to financing to provide decent sanitation facilities for their families, hence compromising on their health, environment and the family’s dignity.
KWFT finances households to purchase, build, repair or improve sanitation and hygiene facilities at the household levels e.g. toilets, bathrooms, hand washing units, sinks and water taps. These facilities will enable families to promote good health, preserve the environment and uphold the family’s dignity.
- Affordable and flexible financing
- Flexible repayment period
- Improve family health and hygiene.
- Improve family dignity
- Variety of sanitation products available
- Fast loan processing

To support families to have access to adequate supply of water for home consumption and for irrigation, KWFT finances families to dig shallow wells and construct water pans. This includes acquisition of related accessories and assets such as water pumps.
- Saves time and convenient
- Access to sufficient water
- Opportunity for income generation
- Access to other asset financing
- Flexible repayment period