About UN Women:
This is the United Nations entity dedicated to gender equality and the empowerment of women. A global champion for women and girls, UN Women was established to accelerate progress on meeting their needs worldwide.
Partnership with KWFT:
- KWFT received a grant of USD 45,000 from UN WOMEN to support small and micro entrepreneurs whose businesses were adversely affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, locust infestation and flooding to ensure business survival and continuity in order to sustain livelihoods.
- Currently KWFT has disbursed USD 72,727 to support 810 women who have been able to resuscitate their businesses sustainably.
Many households in the rural areas use kerosene lamps for lighting yet they are expensive to refuel and cause environmental pollution. KWFT addresses this by offering solar lighting products which are affordable and easy to install. The solar unit powers a television set, lights for many hours and also charges mobile phones for households and neighbors at a fee. The benefit is that clients are able to engage in business for longer hours and children can do their homework comfortably.